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JoseMartinez belongs to the Staff group.

JoseMartinez last won the day on August 16 2015

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  1. We had unexpected reboot for SEU4 Euro machine. We are investigating root cause but services are back up normal.
  2. If you have ordered linux server, you will receive control panel URL in the ticket. When you open the website, you will see, Login Screen: Enter the username and password provided in ticket. Once you login, you will see below screen: Start Server: To start server Stop Server: To stop server Command Line: To Modify your server command line i.e. to load mod and specify server configuration file. ET Server Status: It will tell info for your server i.e. IP, PORT, it's running or shutdown, etc. Custom Commands 1 and 2: It's available on request, depending on what you would like to do. Re-Install Mod: Let's say you made a lot of mistakes and now mod folder is mess. Re-install mod with one click for default configuration.
  3. App: https://filezilla-project.org/download.php Download latest version from above link. Once downloaded, add the hostname, username and password. Once you are connected to FTP, you will see all your server files: Modify the mod configuration and server configuration as per your likes. Create a ticket if you need further help.
  4. Hello, Staff doesn't review community support forum. Also info can't be provided in open OR your server will be accessible to all. Please await the response in ticket. Kind Regards
  5. Hello, Your payment is still processing. Please wait till it's processed and we will send out the server info. Thank you
  6. For winscp please use below configuration and I just checked and it worked for me -
  7. If it says permission refused to log in - 1. Then you are using wrong password. 2. Wrong username 3. Both of above OR just one and your ID is locked. Please create ticket and I can help you out. Kind Regards
  8. Hello, You need to modify your silent.cfg through FTP.
  9. We will be rebooting machine tonight to install the updates. Appx 5 mins down time. We will try to do it during midnight so customers will not have any trouble.
  10. We will be scheduling upgrade for the machine on 26th of Aug 2019. Services would be unavailable for 1 hour max. We are migrating that machine towards bigger machine for better performance of gameservers. Also the machine is 3 years old so it's about time we upgrade that to new machine. TF2, CS:GO and Insurgency gaming servers loading time will reduce as we will be going with 1TB SSD's. Current IP's will remain as is and customers will have their files auto migrated on new machine.
  11. Hello, Yes we are active Forum is just general for us and sometimes we don't see or see late.
  12. Hello, We have servers at US - NJ/NY location and Europe - Germany. Our NL servers are full so we don't allocate more resources on it. We don't oversell.
  13. We will be rebooting SEU6 machine tonight to apply patches and upgrading kernel. Appx downtime is 5 mins. We will try to restart all servers after the reboot. If your server is down for more then 10 mins please raise the ticket. Thanks
  14. We will be rebooting machine tonight to apply patches and upgrading kernel. Appx downtime is 5 mins. We will try to restart all servers after the reboot. If your server is down for more then 10 mins please raise the ticket. Thanks
  15. We are going to reboot the machine to apply the security updates and enhancements. ETA: 10 PM EST Downtime: 5 minutes. Server has been up for more then a year. It's time to reboot it and do some maintenance work.
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