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I have a question, which basically means i've got a problem..
I have configurated my noquarter cfg to what I wanted, deactivated the g_dowarmup and g_warmup but I still get warmup..
Also, the spawn of players varies from map to map and I can't really set the max value.. Is there any possible way to change that? Checked the wiki but seems it isnt working..
Also, after I disconnect XP disappears.. Even though I have XP SAVE on.

Weird, NQ is really weird and buggy..

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Can you please post your server config here minus the rcon / private password so we can have a look? Probably cvar is set 2 times or wrong cvar is set. We can help to fix your issue. 


NQ Mod doesn't have mod based key. So if player doesn't have ETKey they wouldn't be able to save XP. 


You might have enabled random spawn which is NQ feature. Is that what you are talking about? OR You are asking about spawn times. 


If you have ETkey and your XP goes off then your path could be wrong in server config.


Feel free to post your config here and we can help you out.  NQ isn't that buggy but you haven't configure it well. Let's get you going so your players can enjoy the server. 

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What I ment for the spawn are the spawn times.
The spawn times change with every map, one map it's 30 other 25 and other 7.
Also the warmup doesn't want to turn off, and it's frustrating. Or atleast I'd like to decrease the warmup time from 30 to 5.

// No Quarter 1.2.9 sample config
// Visit www.shitstorm.org/noquarter for more documentation.

//* Omni-Bots * //
set Omnibot_Enable 1
set Omnibot_Path "/home/rfclan/omni-bot"
set Omnibot_Flags 65607

//* ET main CVARS * //

// set g_doWarmup 1
// set g_warmup 3

// Team Bleed Restrictions
// set g_teamDamageRestriction -1
// set g_minHits -1

// Advanced Kick
// set g_autoTempBan 0
// set g_autoTempBanTime 50

// Resapwn time config 
// set g_useraxisrespawntime 5 
// set g_useralliedrespawntime 5
// set g_spawntimeMinPlayers 0

//* Exclusive No Quarter CVARS * //

set g_csMethod 0
set g_csStrings 3
set g_ForceCvarFile ""
set g_simpleBullets 0
set g_killerLockTime 3

set ip_max_clients 3
set g_friendlyFire 48
set g_adrenaline 32
set g_noAttacklInvul 1
set g_weaponItems 7
set g_missileHealth 10
set g_missileSpeed 0
set g_bulletReflect 2
set g_falloff 1
set g_missileGravity 2
set g_fastBackStab 1
set g_realism 32
set g_announcer 255
set g_flushItems 1

set g_multikillTime 3000
set g_mortarBBox 0
set g_weaponScriptsDir ""
set g_spectator 3

set jp_insanity 7692
set g_unlockWeapons 0

set nq_War 0

set g_throwDistance 200
set g_dragCorpse 1
set g_dropObj 1
set g_slashkill 0
set g_spawnInvul 3 
set g_dropAmmo 4
set g_dropHealth 4
set g_shortcuts 1
set g_shrubbot "shrubbot.cfg"
set g_skills 16
set g_msgs 30
set g_msgPos 1
seta g_msg0 "^?-^3NOQUARTER ENJOY-^7"
seta g_msg1 "^?-^3WE ARE RECRUITING-^7"
seta g_msg2 "^?|^3www.rfclanet.4umotion.com|^7"
seta g_msg3 "^?|^3JOIN US TODAY^7"
seta g_msg4 "^?|^3Vist our other servers!""
set g_censor "fag,gay,asshole,homo"
set g_censorMuteTime "120"
set g_censorNames "hitler,osama"
set g_censorPenalty 48
set g_intermissionTime 20
set g_intermissionReadyPercent 75
set g_inactivity 560
set g_spectatorInactivity 0
set g_mapScriptDirectory ""
set g_canisterKick 80
set g_canisterKickOwner 0
set g_classChange 0
set g_constructibleXPsharing 1
set g_doubleJump 1
set g_doubleJumpHeight 1.5
set g_shove 50
set g_shoveNoZ 0
set g_asblock 2
set g_fear 2000
set g_goomba 1

set g_goombaFlags 29
set g_headshot 0
set g_playdead 1
set g_medics 65
set g_realHead 1

set vote_limit 3
set vote_percent 66
set vote_allow_antilag 0
set vote_allow_balancedteams 0
set vote_allow_comp 0
set vote_allow_friendlyfire 0
set vote_allow_gametype 0
set vote_allow_kick 0
set vote_allow_map 1
set vote_allow_maprestart 1
set vote_allow_matchreset 1
set vote_allow_mutespecs 0
set vote_allow_muting 0
set vote_allow_nextcampaign 0
set vote_allow_nextmap 1
set vote_allow_poll 0
set vote_allow_pub 0
set vote_allow_referee 0
set vote_allow_restartcampaign 0
set vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp 0
set vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp_norestart 1
set vote_allow_surrender 0
set vote_allow_swapteams 0
set vote_allow_timelimit 0
set vote_allow_warmupdamage 0

set team_maxIsPercentage 0
set team_maxPanzers 3
set team_maxMortars -1
set team_maxRifleGrenades -1
set team_maxMG42 -1
set team_maxFlamers -1
set team_maxShotguns -1
set team_maxVenoms -1
set team_maxLMGs -1
set team_maxScopes -1
set team_maxLandmines 10
set team_artyTime 10
set team_airstrikeTime  10
set team_panzerRestriction 0

set g_XPSave "15"
set g_XPSaveDirectory "/home/rfclan/nq/xpsave"
set g_XPSaveMaxAge 999999999999
set g_XPDecay 0
set g_XPDecayFloor 540
set g_XPDecayRate 0
set g_maxXP -1

seta skill_lightWeapons "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_battleSense "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_soldier "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_medic "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_engineer "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_fieldops "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_covertops "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"

set g_countryflags 1 

set lua_modules "spec"
set lua_allowedModules ""

set nq_scriptMode 7

//* Map voting CVARS (don't set if you don't use map voting* //
set g_mapVoteFlags 0
set g_maxMapsVotedFor 6
set g_minMapAge 3
set g_excludedMaps ":fueldump:"
set g_resetXPMapCount 0

set sv_hostname "     ^r[RF^7Clan]^1NQuarter"
set server_motd0 "^7|^4>^1RF^4<^7|^7Clan"
set server_motd1 "^3We Are Recruiting!"
set server_motd2 "^7www.rfclanet.4umotion.com"
set server_motd3 "^7Enjoy Your Stay!"
set sv_pure 1

exec objectivecycle.cfg
set com_watchdog 60
set com_watchdog_cmd "exec objectivecycle.cfg"

set sv_wwwBaseURL"http://redirect3.dediserverhosting.com/dlugiempe"
set sv_wwwDlDisconnected  "1"
set sv_wwwDownload "1"
set sv_allowDownload "1"
set sv_wwwFallbackURL "http://dediserverhosting.com/"

It is buggy to the fact that its the only mod that the shrubbot hasn't been fixed.

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Uncomment this cvars in your config by removing "//" infront of cvar and change number 8 to any value u like.


set g_useralliedrespawntime 8
set g_useraxisrespawntime 8
For warmup do same.
Uncomment g_warmup.
For xpave you didn't created xpave folder as mentioned in NQ wiki. I created it for you.
I fixed your server config. Just give a server restart and see if all works for you. If not please let us know and we will fix it for you :)
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Thank You very much! I appreciate it! Didn't think that could be the cause. It works perfectly now :)

Altough I have a question, is NQ mod supported for the longest map sprees and etc? Or do I need to get a special lua for it? Haven't seen it on the Wiki.

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Thank You very much! I appreciate it! Didn't think that could be the cause. It works perfectly now :)


Altough I have a question, is NQ mod supported for the longest map sprees and etc? Or do I need to get a special lua for it? Haven't seen it on the Wiki.


I don't think it supports that. Although NQ dev team can confirm it precisely. 

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